Subtask A: Entity recognition

Given a list of eHealth documents written in Spanish, the goal of this subtask is to identify all the entities per document and their types. These entities are all the relevant terms (single word or multiple words) that represent semantically important elements in a sentence. The following figure shows the relevant entities that appear in a set of example sentences.

Note that some entities (“vías respiratorias” and “60 años”) span more than one word. Entities will always consist of one or more complete words (i.e., not a prefix or a suffix of a word), and will never include any surrounding punctuation symbols, parenthesis, etc. There are four types for entities:

Subtask B: Relation extraction

Subtask B continues from the output of Subtask A, by linking the entities detected and labelled in the input document. The purpose of this subtask is to recognize all relevant semantic relationships between the entities recognized. Eight of the thirteen semantic relations defined for this challenge can be identified in the following example:

The semantic relations are divided in different categories:

General relations (6): general-purpose relations between two concepts (it involves Concept, Action, Predicate, and Reference) that have a specific semantic. When any of these relations applies, it is preferred over a domain relation –tagging a key phrase as a link between two information units–, since their semantic is independent of any textual label:

Contextual relations (3): allow to refine an entity (it involves Concept, Action, Predicate, and Reference) by attaching modifiers. These are:

Action roles (2): indicate which role play the entities related to an Action:

Predicate roles (2): indicate which role play the entities related to a Predicate:

Input and output format

Input files in the eHealth-KD 2021 are plain text files in UTF-8 format with one sentence per line. Sentences have not been preprocesed in any sense.

The output is always one file in BRAT standoff format, where each line represents either an entity or a relation. All details about the required format are available in the link above. We provide Python scripts to read and write this format in the repository of the eHealth-KD 2021 Challenge. More details in the Resources section.

An example output file for the annotation represented in the previous images is provided below:

The order in which the entities and relations appear in the output file is irrelevant. It is only important to be consistent with respect to identifiers. Each entity has a unique identifier that is used in relation annotations to reference it. Your output file can have different identifiers than the gold output, and the evaluation scripts will be able to correctly find matching annotations.

For example, if in your output the entity “asma” has ID T3 instead of T1 as in the previous example, and there appears a relation annotation R1 is-a Arg1:T3 Arg2:T2, this will be correctly matched with the corresponding gold annotation. Relation IDs are necesary for the BRAT format to be correctly parsed, but are irrelevant with respect to the evaluation of the task. Feel free to simply use autoincremental identifiers, or use the provided Python scripts, which already take care of all these details.

Challenge Scenarios

The eHealth-KD 2021 Challenge proposes 4 evaluation scenarios:

Main Evaluation (Scenario 1)

This scenario evaluates all of the subtasks together as a pipeline. The input consists only of a plain text, and the expected output is a BRAT .ann file with all the corresponding entities and relations found.

The measures will be precision, recall and F1 as follows:

\[Rec_{AB} = \frac{C_A + C_B + \frac{1}{2} P_A}{C_A + I_A + C_B + P_A + M_A + M_B}\] \[Prec_{AB} = \frac{C_A + C_B + \frac{1}{2} P_A}{C_A + I_A + C_B + P_A + S_A + S_B}\] \[F_{1AB} = 2 \cdot \frac{Prec_{AB} \cdot Rec_{AB}}{Prec_{AB} + Rec_{AB}}\]

F1 will determine the ranking of Scenario 1 and consequently of the eHealthKD challenge.

The exact definition of Correct, Missing, Spurious, Partial and Incorrect is presented in the following sections for each subtask.

Optional Subtask A (Scenario 2)

This scenario only evaluates Subtask A. The input is a plain text with several sentences and the output is a BRAT .ann file with only entity annotations in it (relation annotations are ignored if present).

To compute the scores we define correct, partial, missing, incorrect and spurious matches. The expected and actual output files do not need to agree on the ID for each entity, nor on their order. The evaluator matches are based on the start and end of text spans and the corresponding type. A brief description about the metrics follows:

From these definitions, we compute precision, recall, and a standard F1 measure as follows:

\[Rec_{A} = \frac{C_A + \frac{1}{2} P_A}{C_A + I_A + P_A + M_A}\] \[Prec_{A} = \frac{C_A + \frac{1}{2} P_A}{C_A + I_A + P_A + S_A}\] \[F_{1A} = 2 \cdot \frac{Prec_{A} \cdot Rec_{A}}{Prec_{A} + Rec_{A}}\]

A higher precision means that the number of spurious identifications is smaller compared to the number of missing identifications, and a higher recall means the opposite. Partial matches are given half the score of correct matches, while missing and spurious identifications are given no score.

F1 will determine the ranking of Scenario 2.

Optional Subtask B (Scenario 3)

This scenario only evaluates Subtask B. The input is plain text and a corresponding .ann file with the correct entities annotated. The expected output is a .ann file with both the entities and relations. Feel free to simply copy the entity annotations from the provided .ann file and append the relation annotations.

To compute the scores we define correct, missing, and spurious matches. The expected and actual output files do not need to agree on the ID for each relation (which is ignored) nor on their order. The evaluator matches are based on the start and end of text spans and the corresponding type. A brief description about the metrics follows:

We define standard precision, recall and F1 metrics as follows:

\[Rec_{B} = \frac{C_B}{C_B + M_B}\] \[Prec_{B} = \frac{C_B}{C_B + S_B}\] \[F_{1B} = 2 \cdot \frac{Prec_{B} \cdot Rec_{B}}{Prec_{B} + Rec_{B}}\]

F1 will determine the ranking of Scenario 3.

NOTE: The Scenario 1 is more complex than solving each optional scenario separately, since errors in subtask A will necessary translate to errors in subtask B. For this reason it is considered the main evaluation metric. Additionally, this scenario also provides the possibility for integrated end-to-end solutions that solve both subtask simultaneously.

Important: Note about negated concepts

The eHealth-KD 2021 corpus considers negated actions, which are manually annotated in the corresponding Brat files (which will be released after the challenge is completed). However, for competition purposes, we are not considering the annotation of negation as part of the challenge.

This means that, in the corpus, you will find sentences with negated concepts, such as: “No existe un tratamiento que restablezca la función ovárica normal.”. In this and similar sentences, we still expect that your system recognizes existe as Action and tratamiento as Target, as though if the negation did not exist.

If in doubt please contact the organizers at